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Class: Candle Box with Kelly Mehler

By decommission

Dovetailed Candle Box

With Kelly Mehler

Dates Pending


Dovetailed Candle Box

Candle boxes are simple, eye-catching, and useful. You can easily incorporate this box into many household uses. With only six parts, you will fully construct and finish this project during this two day class. The candle box is a great project for incorporating a variety of woodworking skills. The box displays bookmatched parts, hand-cut dovetails, and a hinged top. The skills that you learn while making this project will be used again and again in other projects large and small. Continued below…

Class Description:

Candle boxes are simple, eye-catching, and useful. You can easily incorporate this box into many household uses. With only six parts, you will fully construct and finish this project during this two day class. The candle box is a great project for incorporating a variety of woodworking skills. The box displays bookmatched parts, hand-cut dovetails, and a hinged top. The skills that you learn while making this project will be used again and again in other projects large and small.

The materials, including the hardware, will be provided for you.

You will learn to:

  • re-saw the rough pieces from a block of wood to obtain a beautiful wood match.
  • layout through-dovetails.
  • hand saw and chisel dovetails.
  • cut and fit the dovetails.
  • install hinges.

By the end of the class sessions you will gain helpful foundational skills to reinforce your woodworking repertoire.

Tool List:

Tools and supplies to bring IF you have them: (There will be extra tools on hand for you to try or use and can recommend sources if you need help.)

  • Dovetail saw
  • Dovetail marker or a bevel gauge
  • Cutting Gauge (The wheel type work the best.)
  • Dead Blow Hammer (12-16 oz) NOT a rubber mallet
  • 2” or 3” steel square
  • 6” or smaller combination square
  • Tape measure (smaller is better)
  • Pencils
  • 6” Rule
  • Mallet for striking chisels (A round carver’s type works well.)
  • Sharp basic chisel set (We are set up for some sharpening.)
  • Safety Gear: safety glasses, dust mask, hearing protection

All power tools and consumable supplies will be supplied.

Lunches provided.


Class: Wooden Carrier

By decommission

Date(s): February 25 & 26. 9am – 5pm. Two class days.

Instructor: Andy Glenn

Cost: $440

Description: Join us for two days in June to build a charming cherry carrier. With a focus on hand tool woodworking, we’ll cut compound-angle dovetails at the bench to create the box before adding the steam bent handle and the nailed bottom. The handle detailing is created with a single carving tool. You’ll leave with the skills to create these carriers in all sizes.

Early examples are credited to Shaker communities who used the wooden carrier in their medicinal herb business. Consistent with Shaker design, the carrier combines both beauty and utility. Open to beginners (though familiarity with the tools is beneficial).

Participants need to bring a small kit of tools for the class (we’ll have extras of tools if your kit isn’t complete).

Lunches provided.

Tool List:

  • Combination Square
  • Bevel Gauge (two, if you have them)
  • Chisels (¼”, ½” and 1”) or entire set. An ⅛” chisel is helpful but not necessary.
  • Mallet
  • Marking/Cutting Gauge
  • Dovetail saw
  • Smoothing Plane
  • Hammer
  • Marking Knife
  • Coping Saw (if you own one)
  • Optional: Small v-carving tool (for cutting in the hatching on the handle).

Class: Shaker Style Side Table

By decommission

Date(s): June 6 – June 10. 9am – 5pm. Five class days

Instructor: Andy Glenn

Cost: $995

Description: This 5-day class is ideal for someone looking to learn the basics of furniture making. We’ll use a mix of both power and hand tools to make our tables. Power tools to make the parts, cut the mortises and complete the milling. Then hand tools at the bench to shape the parts and fit everything together. Dovetailed drawer and turned knob complete the piece.

We’ll use poplar for the base (which looks great with a little painted color, though it could remain natural). Cherry for the top, knob, and drawer front.

Lunches provided.

Questions about the class? Email Andy Glenn at

Tool List:

  • chisels (1/4″, 1/2″ and 1″ are ideal…or similar sizes)
  • hand plane (either a #3 or #4)
  • dovetail saw
  • marking gauge
  • combination square
  • bevel gauge
  • card scraper
  • coping saw (if you own one)

Class: Introduction to Woodworking

By decommission

Date(s): November 7 through November 12, 2022. Six class days. 9am – 5pm

Cost: $1225

Instructor: Andy Glenn

Description: This class is designed for anyone interested in a full week immersion into a furniture making workshop. The class is designed to use both machine tools and hand tools in making a small, dovetailed keepsake box. The box will be a collection of all the skills and techniques we cover throughout the week.

We’ll work together, generally following this schedule:

  • Monday: Hand tool discussion and sharpening our chisels
  • Tuesday: Machine Room; milling parts for the tripod table, covering common machinery in a woodworking shop
  • Wednesday: Lathe work; turn parts for a tripod table
  • Thursday: Table assembly and hand tool practice
  • Friday: Dovetail box
  • Saturday: Dovetail box

This class is about skills, techniques and a couple projects. My hope, after going through this class, is that you will feel comfortable returning to your shop to make your next project.

The hand tool list is needed for constructing the small box. The tools are not specialized for this class though. They are tools commonly found within a furniture making kit. We’ll have extra to share if your kit is incomplete.

It’s my intention that we have a conversation, either before or after you register for the class, to discuss the tool kit.  Recommending tools is tricky….there are good hand tools, though they are most often expensive.  Then there are cheaper tools, which require more effort to set up and (frequently) don’t do the intended task as well as the higher priced tool.  But there are exceptions, especially among used tools.  My hope is that you purchase tools to fit your intentions going forward (no point in spending a fortune if you’re testing out whether you enjoy woodworking…likewise, no reason to purchase cheaply made tools if you want to collect tools to last your lifetime).  It is nuanced, and is why I’d love to discuss tools before you purchase tools for this class.  My email:

Lunch and materials provided in  class cost.

Tool List:


chisels (1/4″, 1/2″ and 1″ or equivalent sizes)

hand plane: either a #3 or #4

dovetail saw

marking gauge (a cutting gauge with a knife instead of a pin)

combination square

bevel gauge

card scraper

mallet (we have extras as well)

tape measure


safety glasses

hearing protection

sharpening stone (if you have one…no need to purchase one if you do not)