Friends of Pine Croft,
Can you believe we are three weeks into the new year already? It feels like time is flying here in snowy Berea, KY.
I want to share with you this photo I took from my backyard one day last week when a whole flock of Robbins were perched in the trees outside. Seeing them sitting there in the cold really inspired me. I had been feeling really worn out trying to get back to a place of productivity in the shop, feeling like a sleepy bear trying to pull itself out of hibernation. But seeing this flock of Robbins reminded me that winter isn’t a time of complete stillness and even though the cold weather makes me want to snuggle up on my couch all day, now is the time to shake off the snow and be part what is happening around us!
As we all work our way out of hibernation and get back to working in the woodshop I wanted to share with you all some of the projects happening in the shop here that have given me the energy to get back to the grind!
We are thrilled to have Brian Boggs back in Berea with us for the next few months. During Brian’s residency at Pine Croft, he will be working on some personal commission work as well as collaborating with students at Student Craft! He will lead the students in the design of new tables for The Boone Tavern as well as a bench brush which will be a collaboration between the woodcraft and broomcraft departments.
Brian will also be leading Pine Croft’s first scholarship class which I am really looking forward to! Get Your Curve On is focused on giving established makers the knowledge to conquer curves using steam bending, bent lamination, and the bandsaw.