Get Your Curve On!
With Brian Boggs
February 24 - 28, 2025
Tuition Free - by application only
Get Your Curve On!
Cutting a smooth and fair curve freehand on a bandsaw is a freeing experience. But knowing how to generate perfect repeatable curves through good fixturing design is a game changer. Not only in improving the quality of your curved work, but in making curves efficient enough and accurate enough to open up new design potential for your furniture. Losing old boundaries also tends to free up the imagination. Continued below…
Class Description:
I bought my first bandsaw over 35 years ago; a 14-inch Central Machinery junker from Harbor Freight. That machine made a significant difference to my efficiency, and 35 years later, I am still learning fun new ways to get my curve on.
Cutting a smooth and fair curve freehand on a bandsaw is a freeing experience. But knowing how to generate perfect repeatable curves through good fixturing design is a game changer. Not only in improving the quality of your curved work, but in making curves efficient enough and accurate enough to open up new design potential for your furniture. Losing old boundaries also tends to free up the imagination.
With bandsawing mastered, bent laminating and steam bending fixtures become more manageable and precise. This three-way approach to the potential of making curved parts opens up your ability to make, design, and imagine furniture that was impractical or even unthinkable before.
We’ll learn several ways to get more precise curves on the bandsaw and how to get perfect bent laminations from bandsawn fixtures. We’ll also cover steam bending techniques to greatly increase your success in this wood cooking process.
-Brian Boggs
All lunches are provided at Pine Croft.
This class will be limited to just 6 students and no tuition/registration fee will be charged. This class has been designed for those craftspeople who are serious about making a full time living as a craftsperson and would not normally be able to access a class of this kind for financial reasons. This is not a beginner class, but a course designed to expand the committed craftsperson’s knowledge and experience with adding curved elements to their work. We expect the selection process to be very competitive and participants will be selected by the staff at Pine Croft and Brian Boggs based upon the information provided below.
The deadline to apply is January 10, 2025. We’ll notify attendees by January 24.