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Class: Shaker Style Side Table

By decommission

Date(s): June 6 – June 10. 9am – 5pm. Five class days

Instructor: Andy Glenn

Cost: $995

Description: This 5-day class is ideal for someone looking to learn the basics of furniture making. We’ll use a mix of both power and hand tools to make our tables. Power tools to make the parts, cut the mortises and complete the milling. Then hand tools at the bench to shape the parts and fit everything together. Dovetailed drawer and turned knob complete the piece.

We’ll use poplar for the base (which looks great with a little painted color, though it could remain natural). Cherry for the top, knob, and drawer front.

Lunches provided.

Questions about the class? Email Andy Glenn at

Tool List:

  • chisels (1/4″, 1/2″ and 1″ are ideal…or similar sizes)
  • hand plane (either a #3 or #4)
  • dovetail saw
  • marking gauge
  • combination square
  • bevel gauge
  • card scraper
  • coping saw (if you own one)