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Class: Box Making with Erik Curtis

By decommission

Erik Curtis

Box Making

August 7 – 11, 2023


Course description:  Everything is a box. Really. Look around. Kitchen cabinets? Simple boxes. Built-in library? Boxes with an open side. Chest of drawers? Small boxes in a big box. Everything is a box. And still the box has not yet been fully explored.

 In this class we will cover the basics of box design, from proportioning a simple lidded box to the tactile experience of the end user, as well as a variety of techniques used to create boxes of all shapes and sizes. Techniques may include dovetails, pinned rabbets, carving, steam bending, laminating, hand tool sharpening, hardware installation, and more. Students will be introduced to a variety of forms for inspiration, experience a guided design process, and be tasked with building a box of their own design using a combination of machine and hand tool techniques. Where you take your box is entirely up to you! Whether you are new to box making or a seasoned woodworker, this class will help you to break free of simple cubical forms–to think outside the box, as it were.

Suggest Tool List:

  • A good set of chisels
  • mallet
  • hand plane
  • block plane
  • handful of carving gouges (if desired)
  • combo square
  • marking knife
  • marking/slicing gauge

Lunches provided.
