Shaker Tray
With Megan Fitzpatrick
October 14 & 15, 2023
Shaker Tray
Make a classic Shaker silverware tray in this introduction to hand-cut dovetails and gentle curves. Continued below…
Class Description:
Make a classic Shaker silverware tray in this introduction to hand-cut dovetails and gentle curves.
In this two-day class, you’ll learn:
- Dovetail layout with dividers
- How to cut the joints, aiming to “fit off the saw”
- How to wield a coping or fret saw
- How to pare and chop to a line with a chisel
- Strategies for transferring the tails to the pin board
- Techniques for fitting the joint
- How to lay out then cut and fair the handles (both the hand holds and the curved top edge)
- How to smooth-plane your surfaces
- How to use cut nails (to secure the bottom board…if you wish – but there’s an argument for leaving it loose)
- And of course, how to put it all together (and why I recommend liquid hide glue).
Tool List:
- Cutting/Marking Gauge (FWIW, I prefer a wheel marking gauge, such as the Tite-Mark)
- Dividers (two pair if you have ‘em)
- Marking knife (Ideally, one that has one flat side, but any will do)
- Dovetail template/marking gauge or bevel gauge
- Dovetail saw
- Coping saw or fretsaw
- Bevel-edge chisels (ideally 1/4”, 3/8” – but bring whatever you have)
- Chisel Mallet
- Rasp (11 or 13-grain)
- Files and/or sandpaper (#80 through #180-grit)
- Spokeshave (optional)
- Block plane
- Smooth plane
- Double square (a.k.a. diemaker’s square or machinist’s square) or 6” square
0.5mm mechanical pencil (yes, really – a 0.5!)
Lunches provided.
(…..and bring that 0.5mm pencil)